MY 1992 SAGA


Praise the Lord. With every one standing, as I was singing that song, and we're singing about warriors, I feel lead right now to begin to pray. And I want to pray over the Oral Robert's property, the University property. And over the ministry of the college and all the buildings here. I don't know what's going on financially; I don't know what's going on spiritually in the heavenlies. But, how many know, God knows everything that's goin' on. And I believe the devil has been mounting an attack against this property and against this University. I can't be more specific about it. All I felt, I'm just waffling on myself now, this is Jeff. But I know God did tell me to pray. And we're goin' to tear down strongholds. I come before you, Father, in the name of Jesus. We lift up Oral Roberts. And we tear down any stronghold, or any principality that has been sent or designed to bring destruction upon him. We pray health over his body. We pray strength over his mind, his emotions, his heart, his flesh. And we pray, Father God, that the best is yet to come in his ministry. We thank God for men that have stood in the gap for us, the younger men and the people that were out in sin. And now we stand and we unite together behind our brother, Oral Roberts. I pray also for Richard, in the name of Jesus, I lift up Richard Roberts. And I lift up their families and their loved ones, in the name of Jesus. And we bind any assault of the devil, that would try to come to kill, steal, and destroy over them. I lift up the property of the Oral Roberts University, every building, every tree, every blade of grass. And we pray that the power of the Holy Ghost will burn like a fire over this place. I bind every financial assualt that would try to come against them in the heavenlies to try to stop this University or anything goin' forth. And I pray now and call down finances over this University now, and over every building, in the name of Jesus. What You have ordained, Father God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, let nothing come against it. You say that the enemy will come against us one way, and flee from us seven ways. I order every demonic attack that has been waged against Oral Roberts University, and the buildings hereon, to flee in seven ways, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Whew! All in agreement with that, yeah, amen. Praise the Lord.

I feel the Holy Ghost so thick here, it's hard for me to stand still. People tell me, 'You walk around too much.' Well, when I used to be in the world, I used to jump around being drunk. Now, I can jump around drunk in the power of the Holy Ghost. I had a minister one time tell me, 'Jeff, I love you and love your ministry, but you're just too emotional.' I told him, 'Of course I'm emotional, I love me. I'm glad I got saved.' :) Praise God. What are we goin to do, walk out here and say, [real low volume - whisper] 'I was a dirt-ball.'? :) As a matter of fact, I'm startin' a new ministry, it is called, Ex-dirt-balls for Christ. Is there anybody that wants to join here? Praise the Lord. No! I'm goin' to say, 'I Was A Sinner. Jesus Set Me Free. Hallelujah!' And, I'm emotional. I love my Jesus. I'd like to do Hosanna.

How many been hearing about the saga of Fenholt out there? What's goin' on? Have you been seeing it on CNN News, and USA Today newspaper, and all this stuff? Well, I've been charged with felony crimes by the State Attorney General of Massachusetts. And they have a warrant for my arrest. Right away you're saying, 'You mean Pastor would let a wanted felon stand up here, and witness?' :) Let me tell you somethin'. Possibly the only way I can compare myself to the Apostle Paul is, now, the fact that we, both, at one time or another for preachin' the gospel, been subject to arrest. What happened was, I went into Salem. I went into Boston, Massachusetts, and did two concerts at the hockey stadium. And we had somethin' like 10,000 people come out, without incident. But, I went thirty miles away to Salem, Massachusetts, where they call it the witchcraft capital of America. They have the Wiccan headquarters for witchcraft in Salem. Well, there were death threats that came against me. And they were upset that I was coming into town, the witches were. Part of the reason that they were upset that I was coming into town was, that, I heard it was their 300 year celebration of witchcraft. And that there were 2,400 witches in the community, that are registered witches, and that there were goin' to be 100's, if not 1,000's of other so called high ranking witches flying in from all over the world to erect a statue to witchcraft in the city square of Salem, Massachusetts. And to do a celebration. And I decided it was time for a christian to rent the biggest auditorium in town. :) Yeah!

So, I went in. We didn't take a battery of christians with us. We didn't take a lot of people with us. I went with one other person. And the police department there issued a statement through the head of the building commission to me, that, they could not be responsible for protecting me because there were so many death threats on me. And I told them not to worry about it, because I was bringin' three bodyguards with me, their named the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Yeah! Now, when you get saved, a lot of you men that are listening by television; a lot of you men that are here, that are thinking about giving your heart to the Lord; and you think after you give your heart to Jesus, you are goin' to wind up puttin' on sack cloth, and life is borin' from there out. Let me explain to you, if there is anybody here that is bored - you are not serving Jesus. It's a lot of things, but it's not boring serving Jesus. When you give your heart to the Lord, God doesn't change your personality. He changes your heart. The things about your personality that might change would have to do with things for the better, things for the good, that comes through God changing your heart. I believe you can't legislate love in this country, or any where in the world. And I really believe you can't change a man's mind, but Jesus can change a man's heart. So, what I'm trying to say is, I was rowdy before I got saved. And I'm rowdier now that I'm saved. Because you see, the kind of rowdy that I had before I got saved was attached to sin. And it was attached to fear. And it was, basically, attached to the kingdom of darkness. But, now, I'm a child of the light. And I'm goin' to walk therefore as a child of the light. For we were once children of darkness, but now we are children of the light. How many love walkin' in the light of the Lord?

Well, my personality hasn't changed all together that much in some ways. And when I found out the witches were putting up nazi posters of me all over the area. Saying that I was doing a nazi outreach. Can you imagine my cute face with a swastika over it? :) Give me a break! Give me a mega break! They wrote a twelve page article against me in Wiccan Press, and some other publications. There were some satanist, I don't believe it was witches, but I believe it was satanist, that poured blood in front of the building that I was to speak at. There were hexagrams and pentagrams spray painted on the side of the building. And one of the head witches in Salem, called for a circle of fire [with the witches to do a circle of fire] in front of the auditorium. And by doing that, they said everybody that came into the auditorium was gonna have to walk through a circle of fire. Oh, please. :) Oh, that's scarry. Don't step in the flames. :) So, we went ahead and did the outreach. And by some people's standards, if they're lookin' in the carnal mind, they would say it was a flop. Because an auditorium that held twelve hundred or so people, none of the unsaved showed up. Why wouldn't they? They were intimidated, that's why. They were not under the blood of Jesus and they were afraid of the witches. Scared of curses, or witchcraft, or this or that. But what we wound up with was about 400 of the most powerful, Spirit-filled christians you would ever want to see. And, just like we started out this night tonight, we tore down strongholds. How many know that that is the power of God? Tearing down strongholds. That's our warfare.

Praise God. Now, I don't hate witches. And I did not go in there to hassle witches. I went in there to hassle the devil. The next day, I was feelin' a little ornery, spiritually ornery. So, I decided to go to the witchcraft headquarters. And walk in and say, 'Hello.' So, I'll make this brief here. But, I walked in. And I said, 'Hey, Dudes. Hey, Dudettes. What's happenin'?' And we took television cameras. I mean, I might have been born yesterday, but I was born early and I stayed up late. I wanted it on film. They thought that I was doing the filming to harass or this or that, is what some people have said since then. I did the filming because I knew we might come up against a few things, and I wanted documentation. And, praise God for wisdom. Praise God for wisdom. They called the police immediately. And I left. Course it took me about forty-five sections. Before I left I said, 'All of you in here, I plead the blood of Jesus over you. You need to stop serving the devil. If you think you're worshipping the goddess Diana, I'll tell you right now, the goddess Diana is nothing more than the devil in drag. And you need to come to Jesus. Praise the Jesus.'

Well, I left town. And after I left town, my wife was served with papers. The State Attorney General Of Massachusetts has brought charges against me because some witches said that I apparently assualted and beat up some witches while I was in Salem. First of all, you look at me and nobody would ever believe that. What a stretch! But, seriously here [laughing] :), the only one we beat up was the devil. I've got all these papers here where they are issueing a warrant for my arrest. I'm being charged with some assualt on the witches; and I'm being charged with 'harassment of the witches'. :) I wasn't trying to harass witches. I think their own demons are harassing them. But you know what this is like? This is like walkin' into a Baskin Robbins ice cream parlor; having a slight argument with someone whose managing the parlor; and then a week later getting letter from the State Attorney General saying you're charged with three criminal offenses. It makes me question what's goin' on in some of the hierarchy out there in Massachusetts, in the government. Only you don't have to think too hard, because the head witch of the Wiccan order, who is the head witch over Salem. He appointed her as spiritual advisory over the state of Massachusetts. I believe God sent us in to show what's going on in this part of the country. And to see the christians in that area, which is happening now, rise up in the name of Jesus. And pray for the witches, pray for the people that they would come out of the darkness.

The Word of God says, Be sure your sins will find you out. These witches have gone on television, now. And they've stood on international television, and said that I'm being charged with hate crimes. And that I beat up or assaulted a witch. Somebody said to me from one of the news media, 'Why don't you sue them for defamation of character?' I said, 'How can I sue them for that? My character was trashed before I got in this. :) Praise God. My character is Jesus. He's my character. Jesus is my Savior. But, I tell you what we are goin' to sue them on, my Constitutional rights as a born-again Christian to go and do a concert, and lift up the name of Jesus in the United States of America anywhere I want. I want to do Goin' Up Yonder.

How many know where they're goin'? I know where I'm goin'. I'm gonna be with my Lord and Savior. The State Attorney General said, if I come back to Massachusetts, I'm gonna be arrested. You know how I said, God doesn't change your personality? We have booked a concert for Halloween. Praise God! How many can take anything the devil throws at you, because you know that greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.? It is getting darker out there, but it is also getting lighter by the power of the blood of Jesus. Those of us that are washed in the blood, we're getting more powerful, more bold, because the Lion of Judah has come upon us.

My Deepest Love,
ORU Mabee Center, Tulsa, OK., June, 1992


© 1997, EFI
Updated: April 7, 1999
Created: 6/18/97