Praise the Lord. Give Jesus a shout. If you want to dance tonight, you can. If you want to praise God tonight, you can praise God. If you want to lay down and go to sleep, I dare you. :) Praise the Lord God.

We're going to bring some of those Harleys in here tonight. I don't think that would hurt the carpet, do you? I don't think so at all. I remember you guys singing Christmas carols, when we got together over Christmas. All my biker buddies right there singing, 'Deck the halls with boughs of Harleys, Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la la.' That's great. Some of you guys have good voices though. Psalm 92, It is good to praise the Lord, and make music to Your name, oh Most High. Praise the Lord Jesus.

I got a phone call yesterday from Bruce Payne, my old manager, who manages Deep Purple. He called me yesterday morning. Now, Bruce, don't get all freaked out if you're watching. I'm not going to blow any confidences or anything like that. But I talked to Bruce. He called me up. He said, 'Hey. It's Bruce Payne.' I said, 'Whoa! Blast from the past!' And he said, 'I want to talk to you.' I said, 'Oh good. Well, let's talk.' He said, 'We were down in Florida. We were switching through the channels. And there you were, you long haired dog, on there, talking, right.' I said, 'Well, that's it. I can talk.' He said, 'Now, what is this going on with you? I knew you went nuts, back when I was managing you. And you disappeared for awhile. You're still into that reborn thing, aren't you?' I said, 'Yes. I'm into the Lord.' He said to me, 'Well, the program that we sat and watched, you talked about [one of our band members]. You said he was a Satanist. What are you doing going on national television and saying he is a Satanist?' I said, 'Well, Bruce, he is!' :) Bruce said, 'Well, yeah, he is. But where do you get off saying it on T.V.?' I said, 'Look man, we used to do those things. We used to burn black candles and get into all that stuff. I found out there's a better way. He's name is Jesus. He's the way, the truth, and the life.' And then Bruce said to me, he said, 'Well, you've created quite a bit of a stir out there.' And we got to talkin' about it. And he agreed with me that, when a long haired ex-dirtball stands up with a heavy metal band, and just rocks. 'We're goin' to rock!' We just get out and rock [rock scale done in noises -tum-da-da-dum-dum-ta-da]. You know [yell]. Where's the witness? Bruce and I were talkin' about it. And he said, 'A long haired guy goes out and just rocks, it's not really a big deal. I got to, I got to hand it to you, When you stand up and you say that Jesus is your Lord, that's news.' I said, 'That's the good news, man, that's the good news.' Then he asked me a question. He said, 'If you, uh, left our management and everything, why did you go off and join Black Sabbath in 1985?' I said, 'I goofed. I thought I was going to reach the lost.'

You can't yoke yourself with people that are demon-possessed to reach the lost; you don't go out and get drunk to witness to a drunk; you don't have to walk into a strip club and be drinking and doing all this stuff to witness to the strippers. That's not how it happens. People say to me I need to do cross-over music. I tell 'em, 'I am doing cross-over music. I sing to the Lord Jesus Christ and the world crosses over.' And that's the way it's going to be. The bottom line is I'm getting together with Deep Purple in May [1991]. And I believe some of those guys, we're going to pray. I'd like to see them come to the Lord like some of my other buddies I've had from the heavy rock scene. Give their hearts to Jesus. Find out where the real power and where the anointing of the music really is. It's in the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise God.

Man, I'm tellin' you, it's good serving the Lord. I was out there rebelling and even after I got saved, I stayed in the world. And you know, the whole time, it's what I was talking about with my ex-manager the other day, it's true. It's not news to get saved and stay in sin. That's not news., that's where we've come from. But the Word of God says, You were once a child of darkness, but now you're a child of the light.

I got a call and I had lunch last week with a representative for a member of the rock group Yes. He has given his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. He wants to go out and serve the Lord now. Praise God. We've been getting phone calls from all kinds of head-bangers. You know what, I'd like to bang the devil's head. His head I'd like to bang.

I got to witness yesterday as well, when I talked to Bruce Payne. I told him, 'You remember when you offered me the Rainbow tour. And then you offered me to sing, to go over and get together with Deep Purple in England and possibly tour there? Remember when I got all weird, and ragged out on it, and gave all kinds of excuses? I'm ready to tell you what the truth was. When I was all messed up I wasn't going to tell you, but I was hooked on drugs. And I was having panic attacks, man, everyday. I couldn't make the tour.' There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. But I said, 'Now, man, I've been delivered out of panic attacks. I'm touring now for Jesus Christ. And everytime I say, 'Praise the Lord.', Satan has a panic attack. Let him have a panic attack.'

The Lord rebuke you, Satan. I bind every spirit, every principality, that would come against anyone out there by television, or anyone in this place. I bind the spirit of violence, spirit of witchcraft [tongues]. I bind every religious spirit. You make me sick, and I bind you in the name of Jesus. I order you to loose those people in the name of Jesus. Every spirit that is not the Holy Spirit, I command you now to loose those people. I pray the peace and the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ to come upon them now, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen and amen.

Praise the Lord. Stinking devil, he doesn't give up. He's like 'Willy Coyote', you know. Always making all those traps and he falls into them himself. :) Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.

My Deepest Love,
Hacienda Heights, California, Spring, 1991


© 1996, EFI
Updated: October 31, 1997
Created: 8/15/96