You know, I went's been several years ago, I went into prison to see Manson [January 1992]. I'm not gonna get into it all, but he wrote to me. And so, I went and saw Charles Manson. Spent a couple of hours with him. And you know that song, what's that song: Thou, Oh Lord, are a shield about me. What's that? What key's that? F? That's good. And I sang this song while I was in the cell [laughing] with Manson. And it was a trip, because as soon as I started singin' to him... He wanted to talk about rock'n'roll, a bunch of stuff. And as soon as I started singin' this song, he freaked out. He couldn't stand to be in the same place with me. He started screamin'. Greater is He who is in us, then he [the devil] who is in the world. And I'm gonna tell you something. I talk to him the way I talk to anybody. I said, you know, 'You need to give it up. You need to get saved.' I sang that. Let's see. Let's try this. Song: Thou, Oh Lord, Art A Shield. Give it up.

When I started singin' that, Manson started screamin'. And the officers came in and said, 'What's goin' on?' And I said, 'Oh, we're just seein' who can scream the loudest.' :) A friend of mine wrote that. A guy named, Charles Williams. Praise God.

Wherever you are, right now, Jesus is the lifter of your head. If your head is bowed from sin; if your head is bowed from heartbreak; let me tell you who wants to bow your head, the devil wants to bow your head. But as for me, the only way I'll bow my head is I bow my head before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And I pray. And I go to find peace with my Savior. Praise God.

Dah! I guess some people can write in and say, 'Well, you never bow other than that?' You catch my point. I love the Lord Jesus Christ and I praise my king.

I'm gonna do Sometimes Alleluia [759k .wav file, 35 sec]. This is off the new Celtic Glory album. Praise God. Brian produced this [J. Brian Duncan]. Haha, Whoa! [Jeff was really enjoyin' himself!] Praise God! Holy Spirit, you're welcome here with us. Where two or more are gathered together, Jesus said, I'm there in the midst of them. that's you and me. Hallelujah. Clappin' for the Lord.

My Deepest Love,
Studio, Christian Music City, Hendersonville, Tennessee, August 1998


© 1998, EFI
Updated: September 14, 2000
Created: 4/8/99