How many know that the Word of God says, Return to Me you dirtballs? :) I have a ministry it's called 'Ex-dirtballs For Christ'. Praise God. Any way, the Word of God says in Jeremiah ---- Can I talk as well as do some singing? I feel like talking a little bit. How many know we need to talk about Jesus? We need to lift up the name of Jesus, you know. I did concerts all my life and I never had a word to say to the audience unless it was a four letter word. Now I've got a five letter word - J-E-S-U-S! Praise God. Jesus!

The Word of God says in Jeremiah, Return to Me you jerks. :) No, it says, Return to me you faithless people. And I will cure you of your backsliding. It doesn't say return to Me and you'll stop backsliding. He says, Return to Me and I'm going to CURE your backsliding. Who's been cured of backsliding here? Amen.

I had a guy come up to me named Glenn. He was in prison. He's thirty-one years old. He was in prison for fourteen of his thirty-one years, that means as a youth and as an adult. He was in for armed robbery and all kinds of things. And he decided that he was broke and he needed some money. You know the Word of God says, Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. So, Glenn decided he was going to pull another job. He was going to backslide. So he went and broke into a car place. He's a great big guy, so he stole their safe. It weighed a couple hundred pounds. Carried it out, dumped it into the trunk or the back of his truck. Took it out into the woods. Worked on it for over two hours. And finally broke into the safe. And inside it was filled with Bible tracts. :) Has God got a sense of humor? You know, God's got a sense of humor. We know He's got a sense of humor, I got saved. Praise God.

How many want to hear another story about backsliding? Well, don't all raise your hands at once, there. :) Praise God. I want to tell you this story. Because this is a true story. I got this one while I was on the road just about a month ago.

A guy named Danny gave his heart to the Lord. And he was serving Jesus. Then he met this beautiful young lady, who was not into the Lord. She was not serving God. How many know Satan won't show up looking like two ton Tilly with curlers and housecoat on? So this guy decided he was going to go off and party with this young lady. So he started partying with her. And she was doing cocaine. So she said, 'Danny, we're all out of cocaine. I want you to go buy some more cocaine.' So Danny said, 'OK.' And he forgot all about Jesus. He started thinking all about this young lady he's partying with. You know. The Word of God says, There is a way that seems right to the world, but the end thereof is death. Do you know that? But Danny said, 'I'm going to go and buy you some cocaine, my darling.' See. So he left and he drove around, went to the worst part of town where they were selling drugs. Drove around, saw three men on the corner. Rolled down his window and he said, 'Do you know where I can buy some cocaine?' And a guy comes walking over to him from those three guys. Puts his hand up behind his jacket, throws down on him with a 9mm and says, 'Give me your money, honey!' And Danny said, 'Uuuh Jesus! LORD JESUS HELP ME. JESUS! How many know backsliders know who to call when they get into trouble? I'm telling you the story the way I heard this.

So Danny calls out to the Lord, 'Jesus help me. Jesus. Uh, Jesus. Jesus!' And the guy with the gun says, 'Ah, shut up!' He said, 'I ain't going to shoot you. Don't worry. You're a christian, are you?' Danny says, 'Yeah, I'm a christian.' Backsliders will admit that too when they're looking at a 9mm. So Danny goes, 'I'm a christian, man. I'm a christian.' They guy goes, 'I ain't goin' to shoot no christian.' Danny goes, 'Why? Are you a christian?' The guy with the 9mm says, 'Yeah, I'm a christian.' :) I'm telling it the way I heard it.

Danny's got his hands up. And he looks at him and says, 'Well, if you're a christian, what are you holding a gun on me for, dude?' And the guy says, 'If you're a christian, what are you trying to buy an ounce of cocaine for?' And Danny said, 'Well, I'm backsliding, man, I guess. What about you?' And the guy goes, 'Well, yeah, I guess I'm backsliding dude.' :) So Danny says, 'Well, since we're both christians then, can I leave?' And the guy says, 'No!' Danny goes, 'Why not. you're a christian, aren't you?' The guy goes, 'Yeah, I'm a christian. But my homeboys back here aren't christians. And they want your money.' So Danny gave him his money. And he said, 'Here, now is that OK?' And the guy goes, 'Yeah, that's OK' And Danny goes, 'God bless you.' And the guy goes, 'God bless you.' :) And Danny drove off.

How many know that Danny is serving the Lord today? The Lord says, Return to Me and I will cure you of your backsliding. We've been praying that the guy with the 9mm is serving the Lord today, too. You know.

Some people think Christianity is a cake-walk. It's not the easiest walk, but it's the best walk. You people who are backsliding out there, you need to slide back to Jesus right now. Don't you get any 9mm's, don't you get any garbage put into your face by the devil. You just give your heart to the Lord Jesus.

My Deepest Love,
Dallas, Texas, May 29, 1993


© 1996, EFI
Updated: October 31, 1997
Created: 06/07/96