Hi, I'm Jeff Fenholt. Welcome to the broadcast. I want to talk to you about submitting to God; resistin' the devil; and seein' the devil flee from you. Some of you out there, you've probably been under attack. You say, 'I feel like I can't seem to get a grip on a certain area in my life, this or that.' Well, the Word of God says that we are to submit to God. I remember how rebellious I was before I knew God. It's funny. I was watchin' some of the openin' of the show, and seein' pictures of me, like, when I was on the cover of Time. I remember I was stoned when that picture was taken. And, I used to try to get a grip on my life. But, you see, I didn't know God. And I had never submitted to God. But once I gave my heart to Jesus, things started comin' into place. And I learned the Word of God. And I learned how to resist the enemy, the devil. And I've seen the devil flee, time after time after time. God is faithful. So I would call upon you to give your heart to Jesus, and submit yourself to God. And when temptation comes against you, command the devil in the name of Jesus. Say, 'Satan, get thee behind me. For it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God.' And the devil will flee from you.

I want to do a song When I Lay My Burdens Down [756k .wav file, 35 sec]. Praise the Lord. Praise God. So the Word of God says, Be sober, it says in I Peter 5:8, Be sober, be vigilant, because your advisary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. The devil wants to devour you. He wants to destroy you. He comes like a thief to kill, steal, and destroy. But Jesus said, I have come that you might have life, and life abundantly. I've never met a person who was into satanism, or a person who was heavily into the occult, or into the occult, who had joy in their life. I haven't seen it. But I've seen Christians, sometimes, that are so filled with joy that I have to pinch myself; sometimes to think is this for real? Just the joy just flowin' out. And I have the joy of the Lord. I have the JOY of the Lord, like a river flowin' from my belly, it says, the Scripture says. And it says here, We are to resist the devil, stedfast in the faith. That's in I Peter 5:8.

Do you stand against the enemy? Or are you walkin' with the enemy? I've heard rock'n'roll lines say 'A friend of the devil is a friend of mine.' Well, that's too bad. There's a lot of guys in prison that can say that. 'Friend of the devil is a friend of mine.' There's a lot of guys who got themselves in a lot of trouble followin' people who are friends with the devil. As for me and my house, I'm gonna serve the Lord. Young man, you need to serve God. I was with a rock group. I'll tell you about it in a little bit. But a tremendous testimony went forth, that I'll talk to you about a little later in the program. And I had prayed. I said, 'Lord, I want a witness to go to these friends of mine, these rock'n'roll friends of mine. And I'll share with you in a few minutes what the Lord did. But in my own life I've seen struggles. I seen times of trials; and I've seen times of triumph. But I'm an overcomer, and I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me.

And the Word of God says, in Colossians 2:10, And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power. Now listen to this. And having spoiled principalities and powers [the devil and all his works] he made a show of them openingly, triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:10-15. Says that Jesus when he rose from the dead, made a show of the devil. Praise God. I'm gonna sing The Long And Winding Road.

My Deepest Love,
Studio, Trinity Music City, Hendersonville Tennessee, August 27, 1998


© 1998, EFI
Updated: April 9, 1999
Created: 4/9/99