Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in Me, thou he were dead, yet shall he live.

You know, this might be a long shot, but I witnessed to Gary (Driscoll). And I loved Gary. I really did. I witnessed to him. Told him about Jesus. And sometimes we think in our flesh how horrific for somebody to be skinned. Or how horrible for this or that to happen. But you know, sometimes, it's more horrible if somebody just puts a gun up behind somebody's head and boom! their gone. Because, maybe, maybe, my buddy called on the name of the Lord, you know? I've heard people say, 'I don't believe in deathbed salvations.' Jesus does. He witnessed to the man that was hanging on the cross next to him. And said, Before this day is through, you'll be with me in Paradise. Jesus said, All who call on the Lord will be saved. He didn't say, all who call on the Lord except those of you who are in the middle of being sacrificed or ritualistically assualted.' You say, 'Where is God?' The Word of God says, and ah, I don't have it on the tip of my tongue - the exact verse - so I don't want to quote it exactly were it is. But the Word of God does say, How long will the wicked be able to go on their wicked ways? And then the Word of God says, Does He who formed the eye not see? Does He who created the ear not hear? Surely there is an end of the wickedness! An end! And the Word of God says that God is going to have His day. Vengenance is mine, says the Lord.

But right now, we are going to join together. And I bind every Satanic coven in the United States and throughout the world. I bind you. I strike down that spirit over the grandmasters of the brotherhood. Satan, you are a liar, you are a dog. Jesus made a public showing of you. And I bind your powers by the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ that is invested in me. I bind every lying tongue. (Jeff prayed in tongues.) Whosh! I don't know if you felt that, but I felt it. And I'm going to tell you somethin'. You with your death curse, you better be careful right now. Because that death curse is going to come back on you sevenfold, unless you bow your knees and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Sometimes when I'm praying against the occult and the Satanists and those of you who are out there watching; sometimes when I pray against you, I'm going to tell you the truth, but don't get all high and mighty; sometimes I feel a wave of real fast oppression hit me. And I just felt it when I spoke before. And I'll tell you why that happened. It's not because you have any power. It's because God is showing us what's being done in the heavenlies.

I bind every curse. I bind every death curse that would be against any born-again christian or any child, any innocent child or person. I bind every spell that would be cast, in the name of Jesus. The Lord rebuke you, Satan, and your followers. I bind every Satanic organization. I pray spiritual blindness to come upon every high priest and every high priestess. A. LaV., I pray (Jeff prayed in tongues) the curses of Scripture to come upon you until you bow your knee and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. And some of you people out there watching, I bind that religious spirit on you in the name of Jesus. If you believe I'm in error, why don't you read the Scripture for yourself? Why don't you read Psalm 79, read Psalm 119, read Psalm 139? Why don't you read where David said, 'Break the teeth of those that hate you. Don't I hate those who hate you, God?' Take them out, is what he is saying.

I pray for those enemies and those people bound in darkness. Those of you, and A. LaV. I'm talking to you, if you will give your heart to Jesus Christ, I'll pray for you. I'll meet with you. I'll pray the Blood of Jesus over you. I plead the Blood of Jesus over you and your family, right now. As long as you call Satan your lord, you are my enemy. But if you decide to come forth out of darkness, we will pray for you. But more importantly Jesus will embrace you and receive you as His own. And that is your only hope. Jesus is your only hope. Jesus is your only way. And you Satanists, you know I said I felt a little wave of oppression. Well, you just felt a major one. And I'm going to tell you what that is. That is those spirits on you that are running around banging into each other right now, trying to find the exit door. You need to get set free of paranoia. Praise the Lord Jesus.

This is a very unusual night tonight. How many know that? But we're having fun. Isn't it, isn't it fun seeing people come out of darkness? We don't know what was going on. We could have somebody that was going to be killing somebody in five days (October 31). And right now is going to, instead, turn them loose. Pray for them. Let's pray for 'em.

I pray now that you'll receive the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Jeff prayed in tongues) You need to bow your knee now and receive Jesus as your Savior. You know in your heart that He's more powerful than any god you've ever served. There is no one that can stand before God. If for no other reason, I'm alive. Your looking at me, and you know there have been death things coming against me and death curses. And I stand here alive. And I'll tell you why I'm alive, not because of the devil, I'm alive because Jesus is my King. He's the lifter of my head. He's my shield. He's my protection. He brought me out of darkness and broke my chains. He took me out of prison, the prison of my soul, and broke my chains asunder. I was in a horrible pit and He raised me out of that pit. You can be raised out of that pit right now. And I pray, God give them the power to be able to pray this. And deliver them now of those dark evil spirits. In the name of Jesus. Send warring angels to where they are. Lay hold of those spirits or however. Father, I'm not telling You how to do it. You do what You want. Holy Spirit, You go and do what You do, in Jesus' name.

Now, I want you to pray with me. I want you to say, Jesus, I receive You now as my Lord and Savior. Jesus, help me. Satan, take your hands off me and take your hands off my loved ones. I am walking of my own free will out of darkness into the light of the Lord Jesus Christ. I rebuke and turn away from any curses in my past. I turn away from any spells. I turn away from witchcraft. I turn away from the occult. I turn away from Satan. And I pledge my life to Jesus Christ. Jesus supernaturally intervene in my life. Deliver me now from my enemies. Give me the power to overcome. Holy Spirit, fill me with your Spirit. Drive the darkness out of me now. As I close my eyes and raise my hands, I surrender to You, Holy Spirit. Let me speak in the tongues of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit have Your way with everyone that is praying this prayer. Now I want you out there to say this final word. Say, I am born of the Spirit of the living God. I am saved. I will serve the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost forever and ever. Hallelujah! Amen and amen. Praise the Lord Jesus. Satan has lost again. Praise the Lord God. Praise the Lord Jesus!


It's a highway to heaven, none can walk up there, but the pure in heart
It's a highway to heaven, walking up the King's highway

Well, my road is wider, my load is lighter
Walking up the King's highway
Well, Jesus to guide me, His angels beside me
Walking up the King's highway

It's a highway to heaven, none can walk up there, but the pure in heart
It's a highway to heaven, walking up the King's highway

Well, if you're not walking, start while I'm talking
Walking up the King's highway
Well, there'll be a blessing, that you'll be possessing
Walking up the King's highway

It's a highway to heaven, none can walk up there, but the pure in heart
It's a highway to heaven, walking up the King's highway

Praise the Lord! God bless you.

My Deepest Love,
October 26, 1991


© 1996, EFI
Updated: October 31, 1997
Created: 06/18/96