Song: Come To Jesus [659k .wav file, 30 sec]. Hi, I'm Jeff Fenholt. I'm here with my wife Reeni. We want to welcome you to our show, Highway To Heaven. Which is brought to you by the Trinity Broadcasting Network. We praise God for Paul and Jan Crouch, and for the work that they're doin'. The tenacious work that they are doin'. You people that are watchin' by television, you don't even have a clue of what Paul and Jan are facin', day in and day out. It's a testimony to me, because I was not raised Christian. I was raised heathen. And don't have a strong background like Paul Crouch has had. And I'll tell you, when I look at him; and look at the way he stands strong in the face of adversity, and in the face of attack, and he just goes straight forward. And there is so much stability there. I look at him; and, I admire the fact that he was raised as a Christian, and never departed from the Lord. We need to be prayin' for Paul and Jan Crouch, here on TBN, as this voice of the gospel goes forth to all nations.

These times are gettin' darker and darker in the United States of America, and throughout the world. Reeni and I have been travelin' all over the world. And we see a real hunger for the things of God. But, we also see that, those who have turned away from God are goin' deeper and deeper into the pit, and into darkness. The Word of God says, Those walking in darkness have seen that a light has dawned. Well, we are the light of the world. We are the light. Jesus is our Savior. And through us the Lord can bring the gospel throughout this land, throughout the United States. Continue to pray for Paul and Jan Crouch, and for Trinity Broadcasting Network. I hadn't thought about it upfront. It was spontaneous. I believe that it is the Holy Spirit havin' us to pray for them now.

You know, the Word of God says in Deuteronomy chapter eight. Let's talk about some of the stuff that's goin' on in the United States of America. Let's talk about some of the darkness that's been raisin' itself up in the United States of America today. Let's discuss, let's take witchcraft. And let's discuss witchcraft, today. It is really rearin' its head here in the United States of America. Let's see what the Word of God has to say about these things. Now, I also want to point out that a lot of people think that I'm rough. We've been gettin' an awful lot of word back, from an awful lot of places, that...even Christians a lot of times say, 'Well, Jeff is too rough. He's too heavy. He's too this, he's too that.' With my actions, in terms of the way I deliver, or the way I speak. Not physically. We're not that way with anyone. But, I want to let you know that, the Word of God says, I'll make you as rough as the ones I send you out to. Some people that have been sittin' around, gettin' fat, bein' fed in your church over and over again. And your not out there witnessin' to some of these witches, and your not out there witnessin' in some of these dark places. Well, I praise God for you, and I praise God that you're saved. But, I'll tell you right now, this is dark times; and you need to start prayin' for people that are out there witnessin' in this darkness. Rather than shootin' at people because you think, maybe they're too rough, or they're too this or they're too that. Let's see what the Word of God has to say about witchcraft in the United States of America.

The Word of God says in Deuteronomy 8:19 If you ever forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods, and worship and bow down to them; I testify against you this day that you will surely be destroyed. Like the nations the Lord destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God. You know, in this nation we are spreadin' our favors to every foreign god. We are allowin' all kinds of things to come in and be taught in our schools, to be taught in the government. We are still call ourselves, we still refer to ourselves as one nation under God. And yet, there have even been attacks from people tryin' to get that taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance. You know my children, we have to send our children to Christian school. Reeni and I have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars a year; without any help or support from the government I might add, or any type of credit, in order for our children to even be able to hear about a creation of the earth. Instead of this garbage of evolution. Well, probably the only relatives I ever had that swung from trees, unfortunately, probably swung by their necks. But in the United States we've been dealin' with all kinds of diversity. And our quest to be a meltin' pot, we have also allowed foriegn gods, and atrosities to come up among us. Now, the United States of America is recognizing witchcraft. In many of the areas there are people in high places that are beginnin' to proclaim that witchcraft is a religion, a viable religion. And that it has its roots in ancient times, and all this stuff. The only thing that has its roots, with regards to witchcraft into ancient times, has to do with sorcery, casting of spells, and things of such. But with regards to the writings of witchcraft, there is not one book written on witchcraft that goes back beyond, I believe, even a hundred years.

Now, let me tell you what the Word of God says with regards to witchcraft in the United States of America. This is not necessarily what the government says; this is not necessarily what the schools say; this is not necessarily what is bein' said in the courts now throughout the land, and in different pockets of the country. But this is what the Word of God says, Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son [this is Deuteronomy 18:10] or daughter in the fire; who practices divination, or sorcery; interprets omens; engages in witchcraft; or casts spells; or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord. Do you understand what that says? It says that anyone who practices witchcraft among us, that this is detestable to the Lord. Now if a government begins to stand up and say, 'We believe that witchcraft is a viable religion, even though they don't worship or recognize the God who created the heavens and the earth, they recognize the goddess Diana. I got some bad news for those of you that are worshippin' the goddess Diana, the goddess Diana is the devil, is satan cross dressing. It's the devil in drag. And you need to be aware of that. Some of you who are doin' tarot cards, you say, 'Well, we don't believe in satan.' Well, if you don't believe in satan, then why do you have satan on one of your tarot cards? Why is there an actual picture, and he is referred to on one of the cards?

The Word of God says to the United States of America in Joshua 7:13, Go, consecrate the people. Tell them, 'Consecrate yourselves in preparation for tomorrow.' For this is what the Lord says, the God of Israel, which is devoted among you, You can not stand against your enemies until you remove the accursed thing from among you. There is an accursed thing among you, the Bible says here. And you can not stand against your enemy until you remove it. That which is devoted is among you, it says. And in the King James Bible it says, that you cannot stand against your enemies until you remove the accursed thing from among you. Now, am I talkin' about hangin' witches? Heaven forbid. Am I talkin' about grabbin' witches by the hair, and draggin' them down the street, male and female witches? [There are men that are witches as well] Am I talkin' poundin' on them or lining them up in front of groups of people and makin' fun, and riddiculin' them? No, I'm not. We're talkin' about reachin' out to them in love. And witnessin' to them that, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. We've had some major confrontations with me doin' that very thing, here in the United States of America. And some of the greatest legal scholars, that I've had the privilege of speakin' with, and actually have two defendin' me right now in the courts, Federal courts, and in the lower courts, all the way actually to the Supreme Court, if need be. These men have literally been shocked by what has been brought against us in the name of witchcraft religion through the court system. And with judges, police officers, district attorneys, state attorney generals, and the like; standin' up and saying, 'We are joinin' hands with witchcraft.' Many of them are already involved. And we're seein' a scurge that has been plaguin' this nation, bein' exposed into the light.

Now, I'm not gonna pound on this. I just want to speak about it. There's a court hearin' comin' up this week [fall, 1992] where I've got papers right here that have been filed against me. Says, that by preachin' Deuteronomy [exactly what I've spoken here on televison], they say that I'm harassin' witches. What a bunch of garbage. What a bunch of garbage. For me to have to up in front of a judge and defend myself as to why I can come back to a particular state in the United States. Let me tell you somethin'. Wisconsin, you're under siege. Let me tell you somethin'. New Orleans, you're under siege. Houston, Texas, you're under siege. Massachusetts, you're under siege - by the witches and by witchcraft. But I want to share this. Take heart, good people. All you people that love the Lord Jesus Christ, for there are more of us. There are more with us, than there are with them. Even if I stand completely alone against all the witches in America... And quite frankly sometimes Reeni and I have felt that way. Because there are a lot of men of God, that have major ministries, that we've gone to. And asked them to help and get in support with us. And they've said, 'Well, we don't want to rock the boat. We don't want to get in there with the witches. We've got enough trouble without gettin' in with that.' Even if I were to stand completely alone against every witch in the United States, and every leader of witchcraft, there is still more with me, than there are with them. I want to state somethin' here, for the record; there have been witches that have falsely accused that I have been hiting, or slappin', or knockin' men witches, and people, women, grabbin' them, makin' them raise their hands before God. That's not true.

I want to share this as well. We have been confronted. My life has been threatened. Everywhere I have been goin' lately, where I've been sharin' the gospel; and we've been rentin' auditoriums, where there are major witchcraft organizations in the area, our life has been threatened. we have been harassed. We have had restrainin' orders brought against us, before we even come into the state. Where judges have said, that if I'm within one mile of a witches coven, over within fifty feet of a witch; and, if anyone from the churches that have helped sponsored us to come in, if any member of the denomination that church is within fifty feet of a witch, these restrainin' orders state, they will be inprisoned ninety days. And we are now goin' to court. Let me make one thing very clear to witches, or to people that don't want to hear about God. To those of you who want to hear the truth, and you want to hear about Jesus Christ; and you want to sit quietly, or you want to sit in a peaceful manner, or you want to come and talk to me. My God is long-suffering. And I have an awful lot of self-control, now that I'm servin' the Lord Jesus Christ. And I have a love for everyone that wants to hear about God. And I'll sit, and I'll share with you, and I'll talk with you. And Christians, we will talk with you.

We don't take out restrainin' orders against any witches in America. Because we don't want you to stay away. We're not afraid of you. We want you to come in, and we want be able to share the good news. We want to be able to share with you; that, For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, Jesus, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. We want to talk with you about, why worship the creation? Why worship a tree? Why worship the earth? If you worry about the whales, that's a wonderful thing to worry about. But let me tell you somethin' right now. If you save the people, the whales will be OK. If we can just get the people saved on the earth, and given to Jesus Christ. To where they've surrendered their hearts to Jesus, I guarantee you, the whales are goin' to be alright, brother and sisters. Why worship the creation, when we can worship the creator of the heavens and the earth.

Let me also explain, that I believe sometimes Christians are misrepresented, or misinterpreted. A lot of times people think that Christians are goin' to be people who sit behind the lines, that stay in their churches. [Too often times, this is true, unfortunately.] But I'm gonna just speak accordin' to what I've heard, and what I've seen out there. A lot of times, the witches and people in the community out there that are practicin' witchcraft, such as in Wisconsin. There is a group up there that register 7,000 members in one witches' organization. Out in Massachusetts there is another, and they claim 4,000 members, and others claim that they have 2400. But that's just in two groups of witchcraft in the U. S. Again in the French quarters in New Orleans, all over over different areas in the United States, you would be surprised if you heard what some of these numbers are that are happenin' in terms of witchcraft. But for those of you that think that Christians are people, every Christian is a person who's gonna just lay back and just enjoy the ride. And wherever you want to take things; wherever you want to do things; however many times you want to slap us; however many times you want to come against us, that we're just gonna lay down and play dead. I want to tell you right now, your sadly mistaken. I'm not a violent, physically violent person. Even though witches are now chargin' that I am. And I have to go to court on hearsay evidence. What a dark day in America when a judge will stand up and take the word of witches against a Christian. And say that, two witches claim that I'm a tyrant, and that I have been harassin' them. When I stand up, and I've got the heads of Cops For Christ; I've got lawyers, Congressmen, Senators, people behind us who will test to my credibility. And then we even have video tape that says this did not occur. And yet judges are siding on the side of witchcraft, and bringin' restrainin' orders that we are now fightin'.

Let me tell the people in this nation right now, that are opposed to Christianity. We're not gonna back up; we're not gonna shut up; until we are prayed up; and until we go up to be with the Lord. And the day that any of us go up to be with the Lord, has to do with God. It doesn't have to do with anybody else. We've had people come to our house; we've had people threaten us; we've had people put sacrificed animals in our yard. I'm not a violent person. We can't stop you from throwin' things in our yard. On my property I will say however, if I do see any of you doin' it, I do intend to break you of the habit. So, I want people to understand that, though I'm not a violent person, we're gonna take the gospel of Jesus Christ to this nation. And we're gonna meet you wherever you want to meet us. And that doesn't mean in war zone, in terms of physical sense, that means spiritually. We're gonna meet you right where the need is. And if witchcraft is on a surge in a particular part of this nation, we're goin' in and we're gonna preach the gospel. And if people try to tell us we can't do it in the courts, then I've got news for you. We're gonna go into the courts and we're gonna fight you in the courts. If some of you come in and you push and shove, like you've been doin', physically push and shove; well, you know, we're gonna just keep goin' and preachin' the gospel anyway. You don't intimidate me, and you don't intimidate our friends.

Now I believe that this nation needs to repent of witchcraft. We've got to repent of witchcraft in this nation We've got to stop this scurge, this fire that has come against this nation. Because I believe this nation will not stand until we have removed the accursed thing among us. And I keep sayin' this over and over again because we've been charged with threatenin' violence. We have never threatened violence against anyone. I don't want that to be misconstrued, for if violence comes against us that we are not gonna protect ourselves. WE DO, you know. So, just be aware of that. But I'll tell you right now. We're not a physically violent people. We are a people who are resolute to the Lord Jesus Christ that we are gonna bring the gospel before the last days, and before the end. And I believe that the world as we know it, is changin' very, extremely quickly. And we need to be prepared for what is to come.

The Word of God says in II Chronicles 7:14, If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray to me and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven. And I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land. I think we need to take first things first. I think we need to humble ourselves. I think the Christians, we need to repent for witchcraft in this nation. Because I think a lot of us have just been layin' back, and relaxing. While witchcraft, and all this divination and sorcery, and people castin' spells. You know, a lot of the witches out there will say they're a lovin' group of people, and that they love us. And they go on television and they stand up ; and say, 'We're just such nice people. We just can't understand why this is happenin'.' We didn't bring some of the letters we've gotten. But we have had letters of death against us. We've had people that said that black magic is comin' against us. That we're doin' this, that we're doin that. We've had people spray paint hexagrams, and do circles of fire around our auditorium when we tried to do outreaches. And we just go right in. Let me tell you somethin'. The absolute witness that I'm saved and that the people around us are saved is, I'll guarantee you if you tried to do that at a heavy metal concert; if I was singin' in a rock concert and you tried to pull those kind of shenanigans in a rock concert and disrupt a rock concert; you'd probably spend next six months in traction. The reason that people have been allowed to come in, and do circles of fire and all this stuff at our outreaches; and they've even been able to curse our God in front of our face. I have a biker buddy that had some men come up and curse him to his face, and curse our God. And I believe they were tryin' to goad him into a fight, so that if he would hit one of them then right away they would say, 'See, we've been beaten up. We've been beaten up. These guys are rowdy bikers. And they're just comin' in to hurt the witches.' :) Well. I think we need to wake up and smell the coffee in the United Staes of America. Some of these witches that have been goin' on television, like this one out there in Masshacusetts, then another one up in Wisconsin, then another one in Los Angeles, went on CNN News on the CNN newtork and called me names. Said that I was intimidating the witches. A lot of these leaders in witchcraft, you talk about intimidation, I mean the way they look and the persona that they give off. They walk into the room and the rats jump on chairs. So, if you're gonna talk about intimidation. But we're goin' to bring this message to the United States of America. And we're not gonna back up, and we're gonna keep goin'.

[Results of the Wisconsin court case: Decision for Fenholt]

My Deepest Love,
Studio, Fall, 1992


© 1997, EFI
Updated: April 8, 1999
Created: 7/22/97