1. Reason for this course:

  2. What are spiritual gifts?

  3. Three classifications of gifts:

    1. Diversities of Gifts but the same Spirit - Baptism of the Holy Spirit - (salvation) - Holy Spirit's gifts - listed in Romans 12:6-8.

      1. Prophecy

      2. Serving

      3. Teaching

      4. Exhortation

      5. Giving

      6. Ruling/Organizer

      7. Mercy

    2. Differences of Administrations but the same Lord - Baptism of suffering (the cross, ministry out of suffering - Mark 10:35-45; Matt. 20:22-28; Luke 12:49,50; *I Cor. 1:4-6) - gifts of the Lord Jesus - listed in Eph. 4:11.

      1. Apostle

      2. Prophet

      3. Evangelist

      4. Pastor/Teacher

    3. Diversities of Operations but the same God - Designs of the heart. [IN HIS IMAGE]

      1. Peter

      2. Paul

      3. John

    4. Manifestations of the Sprirt - Father God's gifts - Baptism in the Spirit (the power) - gifts of God the Father - listed in I Cor. 12:8-11.

      1. Word of wisdom

      2. Word of knowledge

      3. Discerning of spirits

      4. Gift of faith

      5. Gifts of healing

      6. Working of miracles

      7. Prophecy (gift of prophecy)

      8. Tongues

      9. Interpretation of tongues

BACK TO: Perfecting of the Saints; Giftings; EFI; THE EDIFIER
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, Ephesians 4:12

© 1981, Jacqueline L. Davis
WWW © 1999, EFI
Created: 7/9/99
Updated: 5/28/2011