II. Phase two - grace #2 - judgment on the action of hiding - to produce contentment, satisfaction. content = satisfy = to limit oneself in: requirements (Paul), desires (John), and actions (Peter).

  1. The action of hiding.

    1. John - lust of the eyes.

      1. See wickedness - lying, accuser, ellicitator.

      2. Treats others as they feel they are being treated.

      3. I Timothy 6:6-8 - be content with food and raiment - what possess, what own - robs own happiness.

        • I Timothy 6:6-8 - But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

      4. John will learn he is the keeper of the flame, guardian of the truth when he accepts Jesus as lawgiver - and desires his satisfaction to be met in Jesus not feeding his cravings, his own cares.

    2. Paul - lust of the flesh.

      1. See hatred - withholding, usurper.

      2. Abdicates and withdraws from people.

      3. II Corinthians 12:9,10 - grace is sufficient - no matter what people say or do - negative evidence kills passion and love.

        • II Corinthians 12:9,10 - And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

      4. Paul will know he is a prisoner of God when he gives soveignity of his life to God and knows Him as absolute king, accepting God's limitations on him, His restraints and His requirements.

    3. Peter - pride of life.

      1. See deceit - rebellion, disobedience.

      2. Judges self but thinks being judged by others - judges others as judges self.

      3. Philippians 4:13 - abase and/or abound - not based on performance - kills hope.

        • Philippians 4:13 - Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned in whatever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need, I can do all things through Christ which strengths me.

      4. Peter will know he is a servant of the Holy Spirit when he makes Jesus his judge and accepts His judgment on his actions and performance not his own opinion, judgment.

  2. Process of phase two - perfection - using II Peter 1:3-11.

    1. Faith - rest versus striving - accept Jesus' yoke.

      1. John - yoke - learn of Jesus, meek and lowly.

      2. Paul - yoke - accept weight, light and easy.

      3. Peter - no yoke - lay weight down, given rest.

    2. Virtue - idols - self as God - Isaiah 43.

      1. John - give up selfishness.

      2. Paul - keep not back his heart.

      3. Peter - gather and bring in people.

    3. Knowledge - obligation, responsibility, duty - love must be the reason for serving not any other reason.

      1. John - sacrifice self for others - to be good and show favor.

      2. Paul - be responsible for others - to be righteous and loving.

      3. Peter - be obedient at cost of own life - to be true and valiant.

    4. Temperance - spiritual graciousness - His fast to conquer being afflicted, smitten, stricken - switching controls to the heart.

      1. John - to cover others, expose self - John 14 - care out of love.

      2. Paul - to remove yokes - John 15,16 - living sacrifice because love.

      3. Peter - feed hungry, bring them home - John 13 - not greater than master, serve others out of love of Him.

    5. Patience - God's glory bearing fruit - Rhema and Logos - John 1:14 - grace and truth.

      1. John - God's light becomes truth.

      2. Paul - God's love becomes grace.

      3. Peter - God's life becomes mercy.

    6. Godliness - contentment.

      • Hebrews 13:5,6 - Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, so that we may boldly say, *The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. *Psalm 115:6

      1. Leave - to send, to let up, ie. slacken, or desert, desist from :- forbear, leave, loose. Forbear -to leave alone; shun; to hold back from; withhold favor; ignor.

      2. Forsake - to leave behind in some place, to let remain, desert - rest + leave down, behind :- forsake, leave. Forsake - to give up; renounce; to quit or leave entirely; *abandon to rejection; withdraw.

      3. Cross point in process - phase two - perfection.

    7. Brotherly kindness - honouring another - I Cor. 1:25,29

      1. John - edification - embrace meekness and lowliness to kill vanity of the emotions and the wickedness of the heart of lust of the eyes.

      2. Paul - expedient - embrace abasement and suffering - pruning - to kill the arrogance of the mind and the hatred of heart of lust of the flesh.

      3. Peter - seek others good - embrace humility and mercy to kill pride of the will and judgment, deceit of the heart of pride of life.

    8. Love - lay down life for brethren - embrace the yoke of Jesus - yoke is the barrier which produces contentment in God.

      1. John - become keeper of the flame, guardian of truth - yoke - Jesus is the lawgiver.

      2. Paul - become prisoner of God the Father - yoke - Jesus is the sovereign king.

      3. Peter - become servant of the Holy Spirit - yoke - Jesus is the judge.



Reference: What Shall This Man Do, Watchman Nee

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For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, Ephesians 4:12

© 1992, Jacqueline L. Davis
WWW © 1999, EFI
Created: 7/9/99
Updated: 5/28/2011